The Quantitative Trader
OCAM (Optimal Currency Allocation Model)  trading philosophy is supported by market expertise and knowledge acquired over a 25-year period. OCAM aims to incorporate the changing dynamic features of the foreign exchange markets into a forecasting  model  which output are ported into  a risk budgeting framework with a view of delivering  statistically significant risk adjusted returns. The below shows the simulated returns delivered by the model. Those returns are truly out of sample from July 2012 onward and should be read in conjunction with  disclosure shown at the bottom of this page.
The investment process relies on a multi-factor model  with preference function
driven by changes in risk regimes and the level of output similarities of the

Though the model can adapt quickly to new market conditions It is mostly a low
frequency strategy.

Each of its three components bear little correlation as they have a good
representation of Convex and Concave Strategies.

In a risk neutral environment each component are allocated one third of the risk
budget but they have a propensity to vary  significantly from their neutral
allocation weight. Hence taking a bias to the driver deemed the most
appropriate for a given market environment.

Great emphasis is put on risk budgeting and portfolio re-balancing.

For further information on the above and its performance please contact me.
Main Features of the Model
Fig. 1: Model Architecture
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